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Private Consultation


A private consultation allows you to have one-on-one assistance with plenty of time to discuss your individual needs and decide on one or two carrier types that you might like to try on and learn about. 

The appointment cost is $40 and usually takes 1 hour 15, which allows us time to work around your baby’s needs. 

Weighted demonstration dolls will be available to practice with to gain confidence with a technique before trying with your child (which is also helpful if baby is sleeping or not ready to go into the carrier for any reason, or if you are pregnant and preparing for baby’s arrival).   

Consultations are held at my house which also allows my own toddler freedom to play (in a child safe environment) whilst I attend to your needs. 

The Taupo Sling Library can be available during your appointment so that you can view and try on some different options and choose one to hire if you wish (for $10 until the next library sling meet).

Free basic support at Slingmeets


As one of the leaders of the Taupo Babywearers non profit

group I also attend the monthly Sling Meet.  This drop-in support session is held on the first Wednesday each month from 10am until 12pm at the Taupo Library in the upstairs function room.  I volunteer my time, along with other members of our committee, to provide free information and assistance to anyone interested in babywearing. 

At this meet the Taupo Sling Library is available to try and carriers can be hired for $10 for a month.  Hiring a carrier enables you to try out different options in the comfort of your own home when baby is happy and settled.  It means you don’t have to shell out money on a carrier only to find that it is not the right one to suit your needs. 

However if you have already brought or been given a carrier, you are also welcome to bring it along to check positioning and safety or to troubleshoot any issues you are having. 

For more information about Taupo Babywearers and event reminders for Sling meets, join the facebook group and 'like' the page.

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Taupo Sling Library hires outside of Sling meet


The Taupo Sling Library carriers are available for hire and trying on each month at the Sling meet (first Wednesday of the month).  If for some reason you are unable to attend the meet and you wish to hire a carrier before the next meeting, then for a small fee I can be available to meet with you at a café in town or arrange a time for you to come and collect from my house. 

Priced at $10 (carrier hire is an additional $10 for the hire term) this quick hire service is not a private consultation, but instead offers a 15 minute slot to collect a carrier with a quick demonstration. 

This is a great option for those who are unable to come to the sling meet but wish to be shown briefly how to use one specific carrier.

Workshops & Presentations


Baby & You course

At this free short parenting course for newborns run by the Taupo Parents Centre, I present an introductory information session aimed at the newborn stage.  This presentation covers benefits, safety, positioning, carrier styles and options, and where to get help or more information. 

The Sling library is available at the end for any carrier hires.


Special focus presentations 

I am happy to tailor a workshop or presentation to your specific needs.  Examples of what I can offer include:

  • Support for and working with Kanga trainers (and other mum and baby exercise programs), or other services supporting families with young children, such as La Leche League. 

  • Professional development sessions for:

    • midwives

    • nurses working in SCBU

    • other healthcare/well child providers dealing with babies

    • early childhood education staff (including homebased care settings).

  • I can provide workshops to small groups with a special focus, for example:

    • multiple birth clubs, young mum groups, or other parenting courses. 

  • Various other skills based workshops will also be available from time to time, such as:

    •  ‘Introduction to woven wraps’ or

    • ‘Babywearing and breastfeeding’etc.

I am happy to travel to your group for presentations/workshops within the Taupo and Bay of Plenty region (including Turangi, Mangagkino, Acacia Bay, Kinloch, Aratiatia, Reporoa, Tauranga, Mt Maunganui, Katikati, and Te Puke.  For areas not noted, please feel free to enquire).  A travel fee may apply.

  • With so much information online about babywearing and such a huge range of carriers on the market these days, it can feel quite overwhelming to many new parents.  I can help you to narrow down your options and get you started on your way.  I can help to break down the mass of information available and interpret it for you to pass on the key points that are relevant and helpful to you.


  • Perhaps you might prefer the one-on-one setting, which allows us to work around baby’s needs for feeding or nappy changing, sleeping and settling.  A consult also allows more time so that you don’t feel rushed and allows us to go into more depth with the learning.  Or even simply the fact that it is a quiet relaxed environment away from any public setting.  If you have other children, you might find it easier to bring them to a house that is child friendly with toys available to keep them occupied so you can focus easier.

  • Maybe the monthly Sling meet just doesn’t fit in with your schedule.  Baby could be napping at that time or perhaps you can’t make it due to an illness on that day, or work or other family commitments that clash.  If you plan to bring along your partner/husband or other support person, you might need to work in with their schedule too.  Or perhaps you just missed the meet day and you don’t want to wait until next month to get started.  A consultation appointment can be a more flexible option to work into your diary. 

  • Special circumstances.  Sometimes there are scenarios that can be more comprehensively attended to through a private consultation.  Some examples could be: premature/low birth weight babies, twins/multiples, cesarean section, breech birth, babies with disabilities or developmental delays, hip dysplasia/issues, or your own physical restrictions/issues such as back, shoulder or neck pain for example.  In many of these cases, more specialized support and information can be important, which can make a consult very worthwhile.

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